Barton Stano asks:
I still worship you Marvin.
Are you a AM bird or a night bird?
Is your primate a night primate or a AM primate?
Dear Barton:
Thank you for the nice question. I enjoyed reading it almost as much as eating a peanut or pooping under a couch cushion where the human will not discover it until months later.
Here is how it works. If the human is active at night and wants to sleep late in the mornings, I am a morning bird, and I spend the early hours of the day doing my marvelous imitation of a car alarm.
On the other hand, what if the human is active in the morning and wants to get to sleep early? Why, then I become a night bird and serenade him to sleep with about four hours of microwave beeps and assorted vulgarities.
He does not seem very grateful; in fact he has threatened to put me in the refrigerator. He has not followed through on his threat, which is sad, because there is a lot of good stuff in there.
Now here is a video of a bunch of wet birds.
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